Bridging the developmental gaps in Africa

Welcome to Adak-Duah Investment Limited

Adak-Duah Investment Ltd, a part of Adak-Duah Company Limited, a legally registered Ghanaian Company with varied range of operations and activities across Africa. Adak-Duah Investment Ltd has, since its inception (2011) carried out high level investment projects through its customized consultancy services in the realm of project financing and management. ADIL, with its business partners and affiliates across the globe represents world financing investors who have funded individual, corporate and governmental projects on the continent.

Managed by experienced investmentย  consultants and experts, ADIL connects the dots and links lenders to deserving African Entrepreneurs, fund and finances turn-key and shovel ready projects with aim of contributing to the industrialisation and rapid infrastructural development of the continent.


ADIL envision an economically and financially liberated continent where it will play a catalytic role to facilitate acquisition and access to funding through affordable loans to its cherished clients.ย 

ADIL aspires to remain the institutions that stands out when it comes to financing servicesย  in Africa. Desirous to impact business growth, ADIL thrives to africanize financing system and build a trustworthy, reliable and dependable financing partner.


ADIL , through is partners and allies in Africa, is demystifying the international financing system by bringing lenders closer to the borrowers without hard-to-get-collateral yet, safe and less exploitative.ย 
ADIL is widening its doors to all African countries via its representativesย  to invite encourage entrepreneurs initiate high yielding investment projects to end poverty in Africa

Projects we finance

ADIL welcomes all good projects having all required documentations. Projects are assessed as received and we have open doors. In most cases, the following types of projects are usually those we handle most.

Real Estates and general Constructions

ADIL finances all constructions projects such as Real estates development, educational institutions and any other related projects with a good business plan


Goverment awarded projects

ADIL finance contractors who won projects from government and these are infrastructures developments projects such as road constructions, housing projects...from EPC or EPC +F Contractors

Mining projects

ADIL has been supporting mining firms to develop mining sites. ADIL takes delight in financing these mining activities from legally registered companies having updated mining leases and licenses from the goverment.

submit your loi

General trading, Import and export projects

ADIL finances entreprises and companies into export and import business. These are mostly businesses into procurement and logistical supply


Farming projects

ADIL supports farming projects with good business plan , projects well designed and capable of making good returns into the agricultural sector. Most of these projects are either into production or commercialization and export or transformation.


Mining or Oil projects

ADIL assits mining companies with legal documentations and required certifications, to acquire loan facilities enabling them expand and develop mining sites to maximise yields and income


Our Services

Close up of a rubber stamp with the text loan over timeline. Concept of term loan. 3D illustration
Project financing

ADIL offers customized project financing facility in forms of loans to institutions, organizations, governments and individual investors who qualify to receive international funding for different projects. ADIL accompanies its cherished clients (Borrowers):Pre-financing and post-financing activities.

Engineering Services

ADIL has a team of seasoned engineers in most all sectors who assist all categories of our clients with various need in the realm of construction of all kinds, installations and other related services. The help our clients in architectural and industrial designs, Bill of quantities, etc.

business plan
Project Consulting Services

ADIL offers project management complementary services. Some of these services are geared towards making projects meet required and demanded documentations such as business plan, feasibility studies, financial audited reports and other documentations demanded by investors or financiers.

Solar energy solutions

ADIL first projects were in installations of intelligent traffic solar systems and all other solar energy related services for corporate, government and individual bodies. This comes in different packages , constituting the energy solutions for our clients' need

Who do we finance?

In our Financing programs, we support the implementations of good investment projects, infrastructural development projects and any other well designed projects with a good investment plan from legally registered entities . These are some of the clients we serve .

Project financing Cycle

Project financing is rather easier and faster, when one gets into contact with us the time all the documentations and requirements are ready. The duration one can have his or her project financed depends upon the level of his or her readiness. Here below are what you need to know about the financing process you will have to go through. If all is set, funding is obtained between 21 to 35 working days

Application and documents submission

The Process starts with the submission of formal request in a form of a Letter of Intent (LOI). At this level, we get to know about our client project and our team of experts determines if it falls within the range of projects we can finance or not.

Issuance of a term Sheet

After due diligence and after the request satisfies preliminary requirements, a term sheet is issued , stipulating all conditions attached to the loan. This document contains major elements constituting a set of requirements, conditions and key terms

Approval and signature of loan contract

After agreeing on financing terms and conditions and after the signature of the term sheet, a final loan contract is negotiated, signed and notarized to serve as legal instrument binding the two parties.

Submission of securities and/or collateral

Any international funding attracts a collateral and some forms of gurantee or securities. Here, it is in a form of registration fees or commitment fees ...which are all prerequisite securities that can be demanded prior to one getting funded.

Funds disbursement

After the borrow has been cleared with the appropriate collateral and after due diligence has been made on both sides, the funds are disbursed in accordance with agreed upon sequences in the contract. This marks the end of the transaction and the borrower can start implementing the project.

Post funding follow-up

ADIL continues following up the activities of the clients to ensure the right utilization of funds. Though no much is done by the lender at that time, it is a norm for the lender to conduct series of checks on the ongoing project activities .

Why Chosing ADIL

risk free
Affordability of services
Friendly customer service
24/7 customer service response

Accepted Collateral

Every project is unique and can be treated differently but all projects are financed in exchange of securities (some form of guarantees) 

Do you want your project to be financed?

You may have a well designed project with all supportive documentations ready. You may have means to afford a collateral and you are ready to get started. You can also apply to be our representative in your country.

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